Regardless of industry or work context, companies also bear responsibility for their immediate vicinity. They must strive to protect people and the environment from damage.
For this reason, we will inform you about safety measures and the proper behaviour in the event of incidents/accidents. Industrial accidents where certain substances are released that could result in serious hazards to people, the environment and property are referred to as incidents. Not every disruption of an operating area can also be referred to as an incident. Definition in the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance: An incident is an event, such as emission, fire or an explosion of larger scale, resulting from a disturbance of the intended operation in the field of operation covered by this Ordinance or its annexes, which leads immediately or later to serious danger or damage to property, inside or outside the operating area or facility, and which involves one or several dangerous substances within the meaning of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance.
ARG and RC2 do not operate any system covered by the German Hazardous Incident Ordinance; instead, they are subject to the country-specific legal requirements such as Federal Pipeline Ordinance (RohrFLtgV) and the Technical Rules for Pipeline Systems (TRFL) in Germany, the “Besluit externe veiligheid buisleidingen” (BevB) and NEN in the Netherlands and the Basiswet Pijpleidingen and corresponding decrees in Belgium. Modifications to laws, regulations and relevant rules and regulations are implemented in the short term.
Their purpose is to prevent impairment of public welfare, particularly to protect people and the environment against the harmful effects of installation, condition and operation of pipelines.
Through its own initiatives and in cooperation with technical service providers and authorities, we constantly adapt the extensive safety precautions in our factories and plants to the latest safety technology. This enables us to minimize risks for our employees and the people in the vicinity of our lines.
We ask you not to block the known emergency telephone numbers of the fire brigade and the police by asking questions. Please only use the telephone in the event of an extreme emergency and call the well-known emergency numbers.
- Police: 110
- Rescue service/fire brigade: 112
If you have any questions or have noticed something unusual, please contact us around the clock on our safety / alarm hotline:
- Germany: +49 (0) 2365-49-5378
- ARG Belgium/Netherlands: +31 (46) 426 8140
- RC2 Netherlands: +31 (10) 431 8000.
If neighbours or employees notice something unusual, they can refer to the (yellow orange) sign posts where the contact data of the control room / security area are indicated. Or contact us directly at: or (+49) (0)203-31864-0.
We will keep you up to date with the ARG Newsletter.
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ARG makes christmas donation to “Marler Tafel”
As every year, the ARG forgoes Christmas presents for its business partners. Instead, ARG supports the “Marler Tafel”, a non-profit organization whose 20-year volunteer work for people in need deserves recognition.
The organization has been collecting foods that can no longer be sold for a variety of reasons for nearly two decades, to support low-income people. The products are given a very good use and with the work of the volunteers help make life a little more liveable for the people.
Therefore, this year the “Marler Tafel e.V.” receives the deserved donation.