If you don’t find an answer to your question here, please contact us. We will gladly inform you.
What is ethylene?
Ethylene is a colourless, slightly sweet-smelling gas that, under normal conditions, is lighter than air. It is not poisonous or toxic to water. Ethylene is transported in the feed pipeline as fluid or in an intermediate state between gas and liquid.
Is ethylene poisonous?
Ethylene is non-toxic or hazardous to water. It is a colourless, slightly sweet-smelling gas that is lighter than air under normal conditions. Ethylene is highly flammable and burns in the air with a slightly sooty, luminous flame. In high concentrations, ethylene produces a narcotic effect.
What does ethylene smell like?
It is a slightly sweet-smelling gas.
Do ethylene pipelines always run above ground?
No, not always. Above-ground laid lockable pipe sections must be protected by suitable safety valves or equivalent safety devices against impermissible pressure increases due to thermal expansion. Safety valves must be tested and suitable for the specific application; their exhaust pipes must enable safe discharge. There are also underground piping systems. For example, after constructing a pipeline system, an agricultural area has been recultivated and can be fully used again for farming purposes because the pipeline has been laid at least 1.20 meters below the surface.
In a construction project, who must check whether a pipeline could potentially be damaged?
To ensure the safety of our pipelines, ARG needs from you as a construction company, planning office, private investor, or resident, a detailed written report about your project in good time before work is started. On the basis of the documents submitted, we will assess whether any negative impact to our pipeline is incurred by the construction project and inform you of the findings. If we find that our pipelines are affected by your project, we will set down requirements and safety measures in a follow-up step together with you.
For information about pipelines, for Germany, we recommend the BIL online portal. BIL is a nationwide information system for pipeline research in Germany that provides comprehensive information on our pipeline system in a very simple way. For more information, see www.bil-leitungsauskunft.de.
This service is free of charge!
Alternatively, you can send your request to us in writing by email or post. To ensure fast and reliable processing, your request should contain the following information and documents:
- Construction and project description, planned construction period, principal (if any)
- Maps/plans, location of the planned construction measures
- Phone number and address for any questions
Evonik Operations GmbH Pipeline information Paul-Baumann-Straße 1 45772 Marl fernleitungsauskunft@evonik.com |
ARG mbH & Co. KG Essener Straße 66 46047 Oberhausen info@argkg.de |
For Belgium or the Netherlands please contact:
Petrochemical Pipeline Services B.V.
Sanderboutlaan 21
6181 DN Elsloo
Tel.: 0031/46 426 8140
Email: mailto:controlroom@pps-pipelines.com
Web: www.pps-pipelines.com
What is ethylene used for?
Ethylene is the basis for producing a variety of plastics such as polyethene, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. Plastic bags, beverage bottles, packaging material, films of all kinds, vehicle fittings, floor coverings, insulation materials, washing and cleaning agents, and much more are produced from ethylene. The main customers are the plastics industry, the automotive industry and the chemical industry.
What is the throughput in a pipeline?
About 1.8 million tons per year.
Who is responsible for the safety of a pipeline?
The ARG Control Room is responsible for safety 365 days a year around the clock. In the unlikely event of a leak, shut-off stations make it possible to automatically interrupt the ethylene flow. The approximately 90 stations that are installed at intervals of approximately 3 to 18 kilometres along the route provide the relevant data and can shut off the section in a matter of seconds, significantly limiting the emission of ethylene.
In addition, regular inspections by foot, vehicle and helicopter are carried out to monitor the pipeline route.
Who can I contact if I detect any damage?
Contact information can be found on a signpost in the direct vicinity.
You can also contact the ARG Control Room at PPS:
Petrochemicals Pipeline Service B.V.
Control Room
Phone 0031/46 426 8140
Evonik Operations GmbH
Technology & Infrastructure
Control Room for Pipelines
Telefon 02365/49 7669
How can I recognize in which direction the ethylene is flowing?
Changing operating conditions make it difficult to define a specific flow direction. Given the variety of connected ethylene producers and consumers, a continuous, steady direction of flow cannot be determined. Depending on the needs of the connected businesses, the product can flow through the Ruhr area in the direction of the Ruhr area – but also from the Ruhr area in the direction of Antwerp.
What does it mean when whistling noises are heard?
Then please contact immediately our technical service providers.
Why is ethylene safe for water, fauna and flora?
Ethylene is also found in nature as a plant hormone. It plays a role in the ripening of fruits and in the processes of natural leaf drop. Especially apples, pears and citrus fruits, but also ripe tomatoes or peppers emit ethylene. You will notice this at home if you store bananas in a fruit basket with apples: the bananas get brown spots or go mushy very quickly.